Monday, July 28, 2008

Walking on Air

Cutiepie has become an amateur photographer since she received her own camera. She loves to capture candid shots of Short Stuff and The Boy as well. This is one of her editorial shots. She was laying on a blanket at a community event and decided to get a shot of her shoes in the air against the backdrop of pure blue sky. You would never guess that all around her there were children dancing and music playing and people eating and games and activities in every direction. I especially love the fact that you can see the words "All Star" on her Converse - that says it all!


Liz said...

I love the picture and the caption-you have a photographer in your hands. I also love how the girls gave their hair, I wish I could do that but can't grow the hair that long. They look so cute! I love the blog name and the family names. You are so funny and cute. Glad you found us! Take care miss 'Mom' and hope to see ya soon.

Quarantine Coronacation said...

Can I say that I absolutely love that photo. I want a copy actually. I don't know, to me it means freedom and joy and summer. Wow, and can you believe that it is almost over? I can't

Quarantine Coronacation said...

I still love that photo, but I would love another post.

Rosalee said...

I know, I am thrilled that you asked me for a copy of it. I will get it to you...and, like the little engine that could, "I will post again! I will post again! I can do it!"

Thanks for the encouragement! I love blogs.